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Researching US Army AirForces and Personnel of WWII
Last updated 17-June-2008 -vjw-
Click here for this document in pdf format:researching_wwii.pdf

2. North Carolina WWII Resources
Formerly available at:
3. B24.NET's Government ResearchResources and Scott Burris of Heavy Bombers
I. Research Tips and Addresses


Whether you are a veteran, a descendent of a veteran, or an interestedresearcher, you can locate the information you are looking for. Checkeach of the sections below for what fits your needs. If you are lookingfor a bombardment group, visit the Research Website.
First Steps
If you are a veteran, write down your recollections. Concentrate onknown dates, events, or other significant details. The more data pointsyou can provide, the easier the research task will be. If you are adescendent or interested researcher, it is important to gather everyscrap of information you can. A lot of your initial ideas may derivefrom oral histories passed around the family. These can be importantleads, but should never be looked at as absolutes. Oral historieschange and mutate through each retelling. Look for photos, old letters,telegrams, government documents, diaries, uniform items, anything thatmight tell a portion of the story. As a researcher you should alwaysstrive to find the truth of the story. Often the research will lead youin directions that you might never have considered at the start of theprocess.
Records to Locate and General Aids - Finding Needles inHaystacks
One of the most common requests is help with finding crewmembers and other veterans. It helps to know the full name of theindividual(s) you are searching for. In cases of lost aircraft, obtainthe MissingAir Crew Report (MACR) for a list of crew member names.
National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records:This is where you obtain Service Records (201 file) located in St.Louis. Note that a fire in 1973 destroyed many records, nearly 80% ofthem. You'll need their Standard Form 180 and an understanding of thePrivacy Act of 1974. With access to a printer and the Adobe AcrobatReader software, you may download and print a copy of the Standard Form180 - Request Pertaining to Military records. The front and back of theform are separate files which must be downloaded separately. NOTE:Please download both sides of the form as the back of the form containsimportant mailing addresses and instructions.
The Standard Form 180 is formatted for legal size paper (8.5' X 14'),please print that way if your printer can accommodate. If your printercan only print on letter size paper (8.5' X 11'), select 'shrink tofit' when the Adobe Acrobat Reader 'Print' dialog box appears.

Mailing address

NationalPersonnel Records Center
Military Personnel Records
9700 Page Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63132-5100

Social Security Death Index, search this onlineindex for likely matches. This resource can save you a lot of time.
American Battle Monuments Commission: WWII HonorRoll, if the veteran you are searching for was killed in action andburied overseas he should be listed in this database. Burials in thedomestic United States are not covered. Note: the ABMC website can bevery slow at times.
WWII POW Database Search at NARA, the recordsidentify World War II U.S. military officers and soldiers and U.S. andsome Allied civilians who were prisoners of war (POWs) and internees.(Select 'Subject: Prisoners of war', then 'World War II Prisoners ofWar File, ca. 1942 - ca. 1947').
World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing Army andArmy Air Forces Personnel, indexed by State. This resource is notsearchable yet, the information presented online consists of imagescans from the NARA publication.
Records To Locate:
The Army Air Forces of W.W.II generated a lot of paperwork. Many ofthese records exist today in their original form or on microfilm andmicrofiche. These records are maintained at a handful of facilitiesaround the country.
Personnel records - these records are maintained bythe National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records inSt. Louis Missouri. Unfortunately a fire in 1973 destroyed manyrecords, but you should always start here. If you are not a familymember you will be prevented by the Privacy Act of 1974 in the amountof information you can obtain via this source.
Dealing with archives requires patience, but the rewards can be wellworth it. Before writing or calling any facility, try to put as muchinformation down on paper that might assist the archivists in locatingthe records you are interested in. It may seem obvious, but attempt toprovide full name with middle initial, rank, branch of service, datesof service, units served in, etc. The archivists can work miracles, butevery additional data point you can provide makes their job that mucheasier - and the chances of obtaining the results you want that muchgreater.
National Personnel Records Center, MilitaryPersonnel Records: This is where you obtain Service Records (201 file)located in St. Louis. Note that a fire in 1973 destroyed many records,nearly 80% of them. You'll need their Standard Form 180and an understanding of the Privacy Act of 1974.
A note from NPRC on delays: 'Response times for records requested fromthe National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) vary greatly depending onthe nature of the request. For example, the NPRC Military RecordsFacility currently has a backlog of 180,000 requests and receivesapproximately 5,000 requests per day. Routine requests for separationdocuments currently require only 2-4 weeks for servicing. However,requests that involve reconstruction efforts due to the 1973 fire orolder records which require extensive search efforts may take muchlonger. The average turnaround time on all requests is currentlyrunning at approximately 12 weeks'.
293 file, Individual Deceased Personnel File - thisfile is maintained by the Department of the Army in Washington, DC. Ifthe veteran you are researching was Killed in Action you willdefinitely want to obtain this file. This file documents the activitiesof the Graves Registration Command and the Army to locate, identify,and provide a final resting place for the deceased.
Form Available:
The disinterment file will have information about the identificationand reburial process. The U.S. Total Army Personnel Command handlesthese requests. Mailing address for Individual Deceased Personnel File:

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Mailing address

U.S.Total Army Personnel Command
Public Affairs Office (TAPC-PAO(FOIA))
200 Stovall Street
Alexandria, VA 22332-0404.

The U.S. Army Personnel Command handles theserequests. National Archives: MACR's, KU-Reports, Tactical MissionSummaries, replies may take two to four months.
NOTE: most 15th AF records are stored at AFHRA, Maxwell AFB (see#4)instead of the National Archives. Records pertaining to the militaryin W.W.II are maintained at National Archives at College Park, MD(Archives II).
Missing Air Crew Reports (MACR) - if your researchinvolves the loss of an aircraft in a combat situation and not inAllied territory, the MACR will be invaluable. This document wasgenerated shortly after the loss of the aircraft (usually within a dayor so) and lists the crew roster, aircraft, and basic details of theloss including eye witness statements if they were available. A MACRdatabase, equipped with a search engine, is available at:
These records are maintained by the National Archives and RecordsAdministration II in College Park, Maryland. Over time, the MACR reportbecame a file, containing a collection of documents relating to theaircraft loss. You should request the entire file.

Mailing address

NationalArchives and Records Administration
Textual Reference Branch
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone 301-713-7250

KU Report - National Archives and RecordAdministration (NARA). If the loss of the aircraft occurred over Germanterritory, a German Kampf Flugzeuge USA [Battle Planes USA] documentwas prepared by the Luftwaffe concerning the location of the aircraftwreckage and fate of the crew. National Archives has the originalreports as well as translations available. We know of no Japaneseequivalent.

USAF & USAAF Aircraft Accident Reports: Ifyour research involves a plane crash in training, transit, or combat,these guys are well worth checking into. They have a comprehensivedatabase of some unique materials. Sometimes difficult to locate, theyare maintained by the Air Force Historical Research Agency (AFHRA) onmicrofilm. An accident report can run from just a few pages to a halfdozen or more pages and may even include photos of the accident.
Unit Histories, War Diaries, Daily Reports, StationMemorandum, Special Orders, Public Relations Reports, Loading Lists,etc. - these unit documents are are archived by the Air ForceHistorical Research Agency (AFHRA) at Maxwell AFB, located at MaxwellAFB Alabama.
You can usually obtain squadron and group historical summaries at nocost through written request. You should also be able to obtain aspecific monthly squadron diary upon request. A larger request, say forthe entire War Diary, would probably necessitate a copying fee. You canorder Group & Unit microfilm at $30.00 a roll from AFHRA. Themicrofilm rolls are usually divided up between Group histories,Squadron histories, and tenant command histories. You can e-mail AFHRAto obtain the roll numbers for your unit.
NOTE: You might want to view this index of the 381stBomb Group (Heavy)'s microfilm records to get an idea ofwhat you can expect.

The source forunit information and for purchasing microfilm records. Requests cantake between one month to four months for a reply. Orders for microfilmnormally just take a month to fill.

Mailing address

600 Chennault Circle
Maxwell AFB, Alabama 36112-6424
Phone (334) 953-2437
FAX (334) 953-4096

Air Force History Support Office (AFHSO): Located atBolling Air Force Base, Washington, D.C. In conjunction with the AirForce Historical Research Agency (AFHRA) at Maxwell Air Force Base,Alabama, which is the primary repository of historical information, theoffice responds to requests for information from private organizations,government agencies, and the general public.

Mailing address

Reference and Analysis Division
200 McChord Street, Box 94
Bolling AFB, DC 20332-1111
Phone 202-404-2261


The Departmentof Veterans Affairs (VA)has procedures to help you find surviving service members
There is no guarantee that this will work, but it's a good resource.
Theprocedure is for you to write a letter to the service member, placethat in a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) which is in turnmailed to the nearest VA office to the person in question. The VA willthen try and forward the letter to that person, and it is up them torespond.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Phone (800)827-1000
VA Contacts and Mailing Addresses by State:

Another avenue you might be interested in pursuing is to obtain anyrecords relating to your veteran and the VA. You can submit a Freedomof Information Act (FOIA) request. Available:

Group Associations - these associationswere stared after the war, many in the 1970s. Formed by the veteransthemselves, they are tremendous resources for information. Theassociations have published books, documented their histories onvideotape, compiled rosters, lists of aircraft, and many other detailsvaluable to the researcher. Note that most associations are for combatunits, stateside training units rarely have associations.
Many associations hold yearly reunions. If you are a veteran of a Groupor a descendant, these groups want to hear from you and would welcomeyour membership! One of the primary goals of is tolist the points of contacts for each Group.
You can find units or individual squadrons by looking in our forums.-[AAF Forums - ].

II.Additional Addresses and Resources

American Legion
Air Force History Support Office
500 Duncan Ave Box 94
Bolling AFB, D.C. 20332-1111
Phone: (202) 404-2264
World War II Memorial
American Battle Monuments Commission
2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 501
Arlington, VA 22201
III.World Wide Web Resources
Washington National Cathedral
American World War II Orphans Network (AWON)
AWON Resources Page

the 57th Bomb Wing Association Website
57th Bomb Wing Listserver
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA):
NARA Research Room:
Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command

Miami Valley Military History Museum (wasWWII On The Web - Research Resources Page):
UK Defense Attaché Office - U.S. Air Force Records Centers
NARA Military Personnel Records:
Air Force Historical Research Agency (AFHRA)
USAAF Units of W.W.II - Click on the 'Database' Tab:
First Steps to Finding Your Dad's Story:

Are You Related to Someone Who Served in the Military?
vjw's WWII Bookmarks page:

Tips for Locating WWII Air Crew Members (this document)

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