Fallout 1 Super Mutant Invasion

Fallout 1 Super Mutant Invasion Average ratng: 6,2/10 4658 reviews

Metalburg is a Post-War town located southwest of Vault 59, while also resting south of the ruins of Seattle itself, within the Seattle Expanse. Unlike many other settlements in the Expanse, or across the entirety of Power-War America, but akin to Junktown and Megaton, Metalburg is was completely constructed Post-War rather than out of a pre-existing ruin or vehicle. It is one of the largest. Destroy the Mutant leader is a main quest in Fallout. I decided to go back and play this oldie/goodie and had a question about the super mutant invasion of Necropolis. I haven't been able to find a definite answer as to whether or not the super mutants will attack Necropolis 30 days after you kill the super mutants in the Water Shed. Nov 11, 2010 Fallout New Vegas Invasion In Jacobstown Deathclaws A.M. Fallout: New Vegas Nightkin Vs. Super Mutant Brute. Fallout: New. Super Mutants are a main antagonistic race in the Fallout series. As their name suggests, they are monstrous, muscular humanoid mutants. They are created by the 'Forced Evolutionary Virus' (F.E.V.), are yellow-ish in color, and are biologically immortal but sterile; they can only create more of themselves by dumping other humans into the F.E.V. In version 1.1 of the game, the time limit for the mutant attack on Vault 13 is delayed from 500 days (or 400 depending) to thirteen years of in-game time, effectively giving the player enough time to do as he or she wishes. The player can defeat the Master and destroy the Super Mutants' Military Base in either order.

Super mutant overlord
[[File:EncSuperMutant07 (base for other variants)
EncSuperMutant07Missile.png 0x320px]]
Also has crDamage15 perk (1.5x damage dealt)
BehaviorAttacks on sight
Aggression: Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.
Assistance: Helps allies: Will help allies.
Confidence: Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.
  • Super mutant overlord
Editor IDEncSuperMutant07Rifle (base for other variants)
Form ID0014238C (EncSuperMutant07Auto)
0017E6F1 (EncSuperMutant07AutoLegendary)
0014238D (EncSuperMutant07Grenade)
0014238E (EncSuperMutant07Melee)
0014238F (EncSuperMutant07Minigun)
002483E5 (EncSuperMutant07MinigunBoss)
00142390 (EncSuperMutant07Missile)
0014238B (EncSuperMutant07Rifle)
0017E6F0 (EncSuperMutant07RifleLegendary)

Super mutant overlord (Fallout 4) is a creature in Fallout 4.


Main article: Institute super mutant

All Commonwealth super mutants are the result of The Institute's research into FEV,[1] which began in 2178 under the auspices of Doctor Frederick. Research on samples acquired by the team was authorized by the Directorate and the program began despite the objections of some members of BioScience.[2] Both women and men were abducted from the Commonwealth and submerged in The Institute's modified FEV, their mutations carefully tracked and extensively investigated. Successful mutations would be monitored to ensure survivability, then tagged and discarded.[3] In layman's terms, The Institute was simply releasing super mutants into the wild, creating a scourge on the Commonwealth that lasted for years.[4] In fact, the first super mutants attacked human settlements as early as 2180.[5] Their actions were even more heinous considering the fact that in case the mutation destabilized, it would create horrifying behemoths: Warped, immensely powerful giants with a fierce territorial instinct.[6]



Super mutant overlord appears in Fallout 4.


  1. FEV lab
  2. FEV research notes: 'Uhh.. This is Doctor Elliott, with the official report for the Directorate from BioScience. The date is, umm, August 2178. I'm pleased to report that, as has been the case during my tenure, crop yields exceed expectations. In point of fact, everything down here is fine.. with.. one notable exception. Doctor Frederick has informed me that the Directorate has pre-approved research on samples of the FEV virus, which he already has in his possession. Now, I'm not one to question the Directorate.. you all know that. I don't even want to know where this came from. But.. well, this is troubling. Dangerous, possibly. I will do my best to make sure risks are minimized, but I really do hope that the consequences are understood.'
  3. The Institute terminals; Terminal, Subject CM-153: 'Baseline: Male, early 30s. Moderate overall health.
    Post-submersion results: Physical condition consistent with standard results. Mental acuity charting slightly higher than average.
    Subject Status: TAGGED, DISCARDED'
  4. Preston Garvey: 'Those Super Mutants have been raiding across the Commonwealth for years. I'm glad to have the Brotherhood's help clearing them out.'
  5. Fallout 4 loading screen hints: 'The Minutemen first rose to prominence in the year 2180, when they defended Diamond City against a horde of Super Mutant attackers.'
  6. The Sole Survivor: 'Do you remember Edgar Swann?'
    Brian Virgil: '
    (Brian Virgil's dialogue)
HumanoidsGhost people ·Ghoul (Feral ghoul ·Glowing one) ·Human (Dwarf ·Lobotomite) ·Mole miner ·Super mutant (Mariposa super mutant ·Nightkin ·Vault 87 super mutant ·Institute super mutant) ·Spore carrier ·Swampfolk ·Trog ·Tunneler
MammalsBear (Mono-headed bear ·Two-headed bear ·Grizzly bear ·Yao guai) ·) Bighorner ·Brahmin (Brahmiluff ·Brahmiluff Shorthorn ·Brahmiluff Longhorn) ·Cat ·Coyote ·Dog (Cyberdog) ·Donkey ·Dolphin whale ·Fox ·Giant rat ·Horse ·Mole rat ·Mutant hound ·Opossum ·Pig rat ·Rad rabbit ·Radstag ·Rat ·Sheep ·Squirrel ·Wolf
ReptilesDeathclaw ·Gatorclaw ·Gecko ·Iguana ·Lakelurk ·Swamplurk queen
ArthropodsBark scorpion ·Bloatfly ·Bloodbug ·Bloodworm ·Cave cricket ·Cazador ·Fire ant ·Fly ·Fog crawler ·Giant ant ·Hermit crab (Hermit crab hatchling) ·Honey beast ·Mantis ·Mirelurk ·Radroach ·Radscorpion
BirdsChicken ·Rad chicken ·Raven ·Vulture
Fish and amphibiansAngler ·Barnacle ·Fish ·Frog ·Giant catfish ·Gulper ·Radtoad
Plant-based mutantsSpore plant
Abominations and CryptidsAlien ·Abomination ·Alien squid ·Alien worm ·Centaur ·Flatwoods Monster ·Floater ·Grafton Monster ·Mothman ·Nightstalker ·Sheepsquatch ·Snallygaster ·Wendigo ·Zetans
Creatures outside the main continuity
Cut from Fallout 3 and Fallout: New VegasLamprey floater ·Manowar tendril floater ·Mutant wanamingo
Fallout TacticsGiant wasp ·Hairy deathclaw ·Komodo dragon ·Boom bug
Fallout: Brotherhood of SteelExperimental deathclaw ·Radbug
Van BurenCattle ·Electro-beetle ·Desert stalker ·Giant leech ·Gehenna ·Molech ·Mutant cannibal ·Radtoad ·Venus mantrap ·Tiger ·Two-headed rattlesnake ·Weedling
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2Mutant crocodile
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Developer: Black Isle Studios
Publishers: Interplay (PC), MacPlay (Macintosh)
Platforms: DOS, Windows, Mac OS Classic, Mac OS X
Released in US: October 9, 1997

This game has unused areas.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused items.
This game has unused text.
This game has debugging material.
This game has regional differences.
This game has revisional differences.

This game has a prototype article

War never changes..

Fallout is a landmark post-apocalyptic RPG from Interplay, developed by a team that included the founding members of Troika Games and the group that would later be known as Black Isle Studios. It was initially conceived as an electronic adaptation of the GURPS role-playing system in an original setting (and there are indeed a few traces of GURPS to be found in the demo), but the GURPS license was pulled in a legal dispute initially started over extreme 256-color violence. Instead, it uses the series' signature SPECIAL system. Fallout is remembered as one of the greatest CRPGs of all time and its genre influence is arguably unrivaled by any game without 'Ultima' in its title. It spawned four sequels and two spin-offs of varying quality, all of which were developed by different teams from one another.

The information on this page can be accessed first-hand using dedicated mod tools.

  • 3Unused Items
  • 4Unused Maps
  • 5Unused Graphics
  • 8Unused Endings


Unused Message Files
Unused dialog and mouseover description text.
Unused Speech
Voice-acted dialogue that does not go heard.

Debug Logging

To do:
Manual method in case the patching tool fails?
Download FallOut Debug Patching Tool
File:FO1 debug patch.zip (434 KB) (info)

Run the attached patching tool on falloutw.exe. Add the following lines to the config file:

Then, using the command prompt, typing in set DEBUGACTIVE=LOG before running falloutw.exe will log to a file. Alternatively, set DEBUGACTIVE=GNW will show the log information in real-time while playing the game.

Unused Items

Field Switch

A non-functional unused item, featuring a graphic that was later recycled in the sequel for use by an unrelated quest item (Explosive Switch). Weight: 1, value 0. Description:

Semi-official commentary from Fallout Bible 8 by developer Tim Cain, regarding this item as well as Tangler's Hand:

'I am pretty sure that both of these items were part of deleted quests. Tangler's Hand was used to prove that you killed someone (duh, Tangler probably), and I think it was in Adytum, which was heavily modified near the end of FO's development. I am even less clear on the field switch, but I remember we had lots of discussion on how to handle the player bringing down the force fields in the Military Base, so it was probably going to be used for that, but then got tossed aside when another solution was used.

Mr. Taylor may remember these better than I.


This was confirmed by Chris Taylor.

Gold Locket

A quest item for the cut Boneyard quest 'Deliver Locket for Romero', which would have been handed to the player by Romero. Weight: 1, value 400. Description:


The unused knife as seen in the manual.

A cut melee weapon which exists only as an unused inventory icon and not a functional item. The manual displays a similar looking implement called simply 'knife', so this is likely just an earlier version of the graphic rather than an incomplete weapon.

Reserved Item


Surprisingly, the demo calls this item Dex Adders.

Small Statuette

A novelty item later found in Fallout 2 which exists unused in the files for this game. Description:


Tangler's Hand

A quest item once belonging to the anatomy of a man named Tangler, leader of a cut gang called the Rippers. The Rippers were one of two gangs only partially implemented before their hometown in the Boneyard was overhauled late in development and their territory repopulated by Deathclaws (this change is hinted at by the 'Ripper' movie poster on this map). Their leader's hand is the most significant remaining artifact of this quest and remains unused in both Fallout 1 & 2. Weight: 3, value 200. Description:


This doesn't have an inventory icon. Description:

Brotherhood of Steel Honor Code

Unused holodisk. Weight: 1, value 50. Description:


Unused Maps

All of these maps can be accessed with minimal effort thanks to the presence of a recording mode which the developers likely forgot to remove. Pressing Ctrl+R on the title screen will open up a full map list to record a demo to play on the title screen. Recordings will be saved in the 'DATA/selfrun' directory. You can select any map in the game (and a few which aren't) and explore as Max Stone. NPCs will not fight or speak to you (unless you trigger a script), although you can drop plastic explosives on them or kill them by pumping them full of Super Stimpaks. You cannot interact with the environment while in this mode except to open doors. Pressing Ctrl+R again ends the recording. Exit grids will not function in this mode but you can save then load while playing normally to use them.

Brotherhood Ruins


At some point, the Brotherhood of Steel bunker was supposed to be invaded by Super Mutants. The unpatched game had mutant invasions occur in certain areas after a significant amount of time passed, but the BOS bunker was not one of those places. Exiting the map leaves you in Vault 13's world map square.



A Junktown-like map designed for (and fully explorable in) the demo. All the demo's NPCs are still standing around though you can't talk to them. Called Error on the loading screen. Cannot be exited as there is no exit grid.


Map name: TEMPLAT1.MAP

An utterly empty dirt field used as a canvas by mapmakers. Called Error on the loading screen.

Viper Camp

Map name: VIPERS.MAP

A mostly empty camp for a cut tribe of raiders. There is an empty ice chest in the tent on the left and a footlocker in the tent to the north. Exiting brings you to Vault 13's map screen. The Vipers themselves wouldn't make an appearance in the series until Fallout: New Vegas.

Unused Graphics

Immolated Children & Midgets

The animation children and midgets display as they burn to death is unused in Fallout. It was later used properly in Fallout 2.

Pre-release Advertisements

These were all used in the demo.


Some of these graphics are normally meant for 'Mapper2', which Interplay used to create maps for both Fallout games.

  • Inventory item.

  • Critters.

  • Item container.

  • Effect/scenery.

  • Wall graphic.

  • Floor tile.

  • Something used to separate different tilesets.

  • More scenery.

  • Something tells me this is unused.

  • Hex panel.

  • Light source hex panel.

  • Exit grid.

  • Another type of hex panel.

Hidden Graphics

These are used, but overwritten by other graphics making them impossible to see.


Savegame screenshot from the entrance to Vault 13 as part of the save/load screen background. Empty save games use a blank background without a screenshot.


Early graphic of the held item panel loaded into the interface under the used version of the same graphic.

In the HP/AC numeral part of this same graphic (not pictured), the overwritten digits are 036 HP and -258 AC. Similarly the graphics for age, skill %, timers, and special points are all 23 for 2 digit values and 223 for 3 digits before being overwritten by their actual values.

Unused Quests

Found in PIPBOY.MSG. These are all located in the L.A. Boneyard, a location that was heavily re-worked late in the development cycle. Much more evidence for scrapped quests can be found in cut dialog files.

Language Filter

These are the words censored by turning the language filter on in the options menu, contained in BADWORDS.TXT (requires f1undat to decompress). Some of these words are unused in the final script e.g. 'pigfucker'.

Fallout 1 Super Mutant Invasion Video Game

Unused Endings


This is part of the Super Mutant invasion event that is referenced in several endings but never actually occurs in the game.

Followers of the Apocalypse

This ending is inaccessible because the criteria calls for two actions that are impossible due to missingNPCs.

Brotherhood of Steel

The traitor doesn't actually exist, and is only mentioned in some unused lines in Vree's dialog file.

Region Differences

To do:
Properly check what Fallout v1.2 UK fixes or what bugs it brings up.

European versions of Fallout were censored to varying degrees dependent on region. Patches exist to re-implement this content for European players.

  • In all European releases of Fallout 1 and 2, all child NPCs were (nearly) removed to avoid child-killing controversy (actually only made invisible). This also made the Childkiller reputation and encounter with the bounty hunter Avellone inaccessible.
  • The German version was further censored to disable blood and violent critical death animations.
  • The UK release has some words changed to avoid drug references. All incidences of the word 'drug' were changed to 'chem' (something that would become standard for the series with Fallout 3) and 'addiction' with 'craving'.

NOTE: This is the version that GOG.com supplies!

Revisional Differences

On November 9, 1999, a v1.1 US patch was released to fix a few errors that existed in the original game:

  • Companions no longer get cloned when saving and reloading during combat.
  • Armor correctly adjusts the stats when being moved around in the inventory.
  • Exposure to radiation no longer raises stats; this was even lampshaded as another form of FEV in the Fallout Bible.
  • The 500-day time limit had been replaced with 13 in-game years (notably the maximum amount of playtime in Fallout 2, where you can play 'til July 25, 2254, exactly 13 years after the start of the game), giving a nigh infinite amount of time to enjoy the experience without the game suddenly ending because you were not fast enough to kill the Master. This also means that there are no more drawbacks to asking the Water Merchants to deliver water to Vault 13, which'd lower the invasion time limit by 100 days.

Fallout 4 Super Mutant Locations

The Fallout series
WindowsFallout (Prototype) • Fallout 2 • Fallout Tactics • Fallout 3 ('Van Buren' Prototype) • Fallout: New Vegas • Fallout 4
DOSFallout (Prototype)
Mac OS ClassicFallout
Mac OS XFallout 2
PlayStation 3Fallout 3 • Fallout: New Vegas
Xbox 360Fallout 3 • Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout Wiki Super Mutant

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